Audio Recording Chart UpdateJust a quick post to give you the updated version of the Live Audio Recording Options chart that I created last month. Did some research into the COMREX solution someone referenced in a post to Facebook.

It is one of the more expensive options for both the studio and the talent side of the glass, but does offer a lot of options.

The more I delve into this, the more it looks like the cost of differentiating yourself as a voice talent may remain much the same. We will probably have to have several options ready to go depending on our client’s needs/desires. At the moment, I have ipDTL, Source-Connect (original), ISDN (for as long as it makes sense), Bodalgo Call and now ConnectionOpen.

Some of these are free options that will be acceptable to some of our clients. Some, like Source-Connect Now do not claim to be for professional audio use. Other clients will want a more robust, higher quality, lower latency, more stable solution – and for that, we will need to spend some money.

My ISDN codec was around $3000 to buy initially and the monthly cost to maintain the lines is around $60 per month – or $720 per year. Look at the chart and do the math. We may only be able to differentiate ourselves by getting some, most or all of the options! And this list will probably grow – or perhaps shrink – depending on what is actually adopted by the people doing the recording. Click the picture below to enlarge and save.

Live Audio Recording Options_August_2016